Learn how you can give your time, talents and skills to Making the Best Better as a 4-H Volunteer.
New 4-H Volunteer Requirements
Adults who would like to become volunteers with the Clark County 4-H program must complete a five step process. These steps do not need to be done in sequence, but must all be completed before an adult begins working with youth in the Clark County 4-H Program. If you are interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer, please contact the 4-H Extension Educators to schedule an interview appointment. Patty House, 937-398-7599, house.18@osu.edu or Jeremy Elleman, 937-398-7606, elleman.30@osu.edu
4-H Volunteer Opportunities
Review these volunteer position descriptions to learn about opportunities to start a 4-H club, teach a project, lead an activity, or serve on a committee.
Organizational Club Volunteer | Project or Activity Volunteer |
Cloverbud Volunteer | Committee Volunteer |
New 4-H Volunteer Applicant Letter to Learn About Five Step Process To Becoming A 4-H Volunteer
Click here for the 2025 New 4-H Volunteer Packet. (New 4-H Volunteer Applicant Letter, 4-H Volunteer Application, 4-H Volunteer Standards of Behavior, Fingerprint Return Card, and 4-H Volunteer Opportunities)
- Complete and sign 4-H Volunteer Application (you will need to provide 3 non-family references on your application)
- Read, Agreed to, Sign and Submit 4-H Volunteer Standards of Behavior
- Obtain an Ohio BCI Background Check Visit one of the Clark County locations to have a web check done. You must use reason code 2151.86 for obtaining a fingerprint background check. Please print and take the Clark County Background Check Information with you, it has all the information needed so that your information is delivered correctly. Special Note: If you have had your fingerprints taken within the past 12 months for working with children, working with the elderly, or certain types of licensing please fill out the Request For Copy of Ohio Background Check.
- Complete and interview with Patty House, 4-H Educator, call 937-398-7599 or Jeremy Elleman, call 937-398-7606 to schedule an appointment.
- Participate in New 4-H Volunteer Orientation on one of the following dates: Feb. 5, 2025, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, March 6, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM or April 12, 10 AM to Noon at the OSU Extension, Clark County Office.
Requirements for Returning 4-H Volunteers
We have a tremendous core of 4-H volunteers working with the Clark County 4-H Program. 4-H volunteers who have given one or more years of service to the Clark County 4-H Program need to complete the following requirements:
- Complete the your Re-Enrollment for Volunteers online at http://oh.4honline.com (Instruction were included in your club's Running Start folder. Re-enrollment must be completed by April 15.
- All Ohio State University volunteers including OSU Extension's 4-H Volunteers will be required to complete a web-based background check every 4 years. More details regarding this process will be sent directly to volunteers explaining this process further. If you have question, please don’t hesitate to contact the 4-H Extension Educators, Patty House, house.18@osu.edu, 937-398-7599 or Jeremy Elleman, elleman.30@osu.edu, 937-398-7606.
- Take advantage of 4-H volunteer trainings and opportunities at the county and state level. 2 hours of training is required annually for 4-H volunteers to continue service as a 4-H volunteer. This training combines volunteer core competencies, youth protection policies and county/state updates to help you to continue to Make the Best Better!
To meet this requirement in 2025, please plan on registering and attending one of the following training dates:
Jan. 23, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Jan. 24, 1 PM, Extension Office
Jan. 25, 11 AM, Extension Office
Jan. 26, 2 PM, Extension Office
Jan. 27, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Jan. 28, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Jan. 29, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Feb. 12, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Feb. 22, Noon, Annex, Fairgrounds
Go to https://go.osu.edu/2025clarkco4hvolunteerreqtrainingreg to register now for one of the sessions.
Cloverbud Volunteer Training – Feb. 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Quality Assurance Training for Club Advisors, Feb. 20, 6:30 PM, Extension Office
Resource for 4-H Volunteers
Clark County 4-H Volunteer Handbook
Use to answer your questions about club management, risk management, working with parents, managing finances, providing meaningful learning experiences, connecting to all the Clark County 4-H opportunities and much more.
Ohio Volunteer Conference
March 8, Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio
2025 Ohio 4-H Conference Booklet
2025 Ohio 4-H Conference Form - Due before February 7
Clark Co. 4-H Committee supports partial registration costs for the first 25 adult and teen 4-H volunteers from Clark County who register.
Club Financial Management Items
2025 Clark County 4-H Club and Committee Financial Binder
Includes the individual forms which can also be found on the Application and Forms page.