The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program offers a comprehensive 50-hour training course covering a wide range of horticultural topics for Ohio residents. After completing the training, volunteers contribute their time and expertise by supporting educational programs and activities at their local OSU Extension county offices. While prior gardening skills or knowledge are not required, a genuine enthusiasm for learning about gardening and a desire to share this passion with others are essential.
In collaboration with county Extension personnel, Master Gardener Volunteers offer a range of valuable educational services to their communities. These include responding to gardening inquiries from the public, hosting plant clinics, leading gardening activities for children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, enhancing community landscapes, and creating community or demonstration gardens.
More information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at
The Master Gardener Volunteer program started in Clark County in 1993. Over the years, 326 volunteers have been trained; currently, there are 125 active Master Gardener Volunteers involved in the Clark County program. If you are interested in learning more about the requirements to becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer in Clark County, click on the "Become a Master Gardener Volunteer" on the tab on the left or contact Beth Brooks at or at 937-398-7602.
Note, we are also piloting an online MGV training program in Clark County. Contact Pam Bennett, 937-397-7595 if you want to learn more.